Freeing yourself from yourself
This idea of self is truly detrimental once we believe in it. One thing is to relate with this “self” label as when“I” greet someone: “Hello Jayesh, how are you doing?” or when in my daily speech “I” need to use the words “I”and “my.”
A different thing is to believe that those words that we use to communicate are indeed “real.”
Note that i am not saying that the idea of “self” is “bad,” our
Note that i am not saying that the idea of “self” is “bad,” our
“worst enemy",
or that we need to have “distaste of that idea.” That is childish.
i am using the word “detrimental” not as judgment but as a way to communicate and convey a close but not accurate meaning to our inner discovery.
“Detrimental” is used as an obstacle, an obstruction to perceive something else.
“Detrimental” is used as an obstacle, an obstruction to perceive something else.
As mentioned before, please do not take that as the “truth,” for it cannot be communicated with words.
Have you ever taken a stroll in a park or the bay early in the morning with a smiling face? 
Do you know where that smile came from, without a particular reason to smile?
That is when YOU are not there. Notice that the harmonious perception of what is already there in Nature, without any thinking or additional ideas will bring that magic.
To be alive in appreciation means not to think, to have a quiet mind. Silence. Stillness. Emptiness.
That is when YOU are not there. Notice that the harmonious perception of what is already there in Nature, without any thinking or additional ideas will bring that magic.
To be alive in appreciation means not to think, to have a quiet mind. Silence. Stillness. Emptiness.
Is thinking “bad”? Nope. Thinking has its own place. Thinking is not supposed to be an inner voice in our heads. Thinking is not supposed to bring that separation of the “thinker” and everything else. Unless we believe it.
There is no problem which is truly a problem when we realize that everything is temporary.
That is why that perception of “I” is a mental disease . That “I” needs to go away with his/her ideas. That “I” needs to go away with his/her expectations and illusions.
That “I” must go away… but through thinking, that “I” remains the “same.”
It wants to survive forever…
That is why any ideas about the afterlife are just ways for that “I” to remain. Those ideas will bring certainty through another thought, through another idea, another belief.
That “I” must go away… but through thinking, that “I” remains the “same.”
That is why any ideas about the afterlife are just ways for that “I” to remain. Those ideas will bring certainty through another thought, through another idea, another belief.
Living is not thinking about the “future” and what could happen next. We live “now.” As it is “now” when we are aware of it.
That is why it is important to be aware of our mind and its games. That is why, it is important to awaken to that “reality.”
God cannot help on this. To clear our minds from that on going “mental garbage” is our own task.
The outcome of that inner cleansing is a frank smile.
Observe your neighbor’s cat lazily stretching in the morning, say hello to “top cat.” Observe the birds chirping their tunes, appreciate that music with your awareness… Move slowly into the day by looking at the trees and perceiving their aroma, notice the sun caressing your skin and the wind massaging your face… as long as there is no YOU in it, “YOU” will appreciate that moment without words. Otherwise, it is just an empty thought.
Observe your neighbor’s cat lazily stretching in the morning, say hello to “top cat.” Observe the birds chirping their tunes, appreciate that music with your awareness… Move slowly into the day by looking at the trees and perceiving their aroma, notice the sun caressing your skin and the wind massaging your face… as long as there is no YOU in it, “YOU” will appreciate that moment without words. Otherwise, it is just an empty thought.
That is the mystery of being and non-being.
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