The religious child and the logical adult
Religions are tools to reform the self.
Reform from what?
Reform from our consciousness of separation, to bring us back to the initial “togetherness.”
That “togetherness” is not only related with looking at each other as “brothers and sisters.” That is perhaps the most elementary way to look at oneness.
Reform from our consciousness of separation, to bring us back to the initial “togetherness.”
That “togetherness” is not only related with looking at each other as “brothers and sisters.” That is perhaps the most elementary way to look at oneness.
The “brother wolf,” and the “sister flower,” still convey separation. There are 2 distinct personalities there. The label of being a “family” is needed for this type of understanding because for a child, there is nothing better which is known to him, which will bring a sense of unity.
Every person, no matter how old they are has a child within. That child is the one who could understand “reformation,” for the “adult” in us “thinks” about self sufficiency. No one has the right to “reform” an adult. Nevertheless, if you find a father figure for the child within us, that child will be able to listen and hopefully change.
That is how God came into the picture. The Father. Nevertheless, a child matures. A child grows and with that, changes will inevitably happen. That is life and that is each one’s destiny. There is variety on that. That is why, it is very important to allow the child inside to explore, to play, to learn.
Learning is not always fun; but always beneficial.
Religions have taken this archetype as tools to reform the self. As the “spirit of the teachings” have been forgotten through time due to several reasons, then interpretations arrived and with those creative interpretations, different branches within the same ideology of the same religion.
The above is the story of all monotheistic religions.
The above is the story of all monotheistic religions.
However, there is more to it.
Interbeingness, inter-relationship is not easily grasped at the practical level. As a matter of fact, this “concept” is illogical, irrational… so those intellectuals looking for logic and rationality will be easily turned off.
For a child, the answer is always with the Father. A child cannot see that “the Father” is truly within as well. The Father and the son are not just different, but equal.Father can’t help but to notice how many of the characteristics of his physical father are within him due to having spent time together. It cannot be otherwise and of course, this is not just about the external looks.
For a child, the answer is always with the Father. A child cannot see that “the Father” is truly within as well. The Father and the son are not just different, but equal.Father can’t help but to notice how many of the characteristics of his physical father are within him due to having spent time together. It cannot be otherwise and of course, this is not just about the external looks.
Truly, being a son, is not related with having “the same blood.” That is the most external characteristic; however; this is the one that through time the world has believed in.
Just another belief.
Oneness is not concerned with labels as “brother” or “family.” Oneness is beyond those words. Oneness is not concerned with “helping your brother” when in this consciousness we can see that we are all integrated, not only separated by personalities and a physical body. In Oneness, we can see clearly that the answer is never one thing, but also the other thing that we left out.
For example, here is the “mental” exercise: 
Is Am I a Hindu? Not only a Hindu but more than that.
Is Am I a Christian? Not only a Christian but more than that…
Is Am I a Muslim,Taoist, Zen Buddhist,Farsi,Jews? Not only those, but more than that…
I am a pure soul, is nothing and because of that, I belongs and accepts everything. I am respects every faith. A label does not define me for is more than a label.
This is to be experienced, not to be analyzed.
Is that logical? No.
Then, it could be “right.”
Is Am I a Christian? Not only a Christian but more than that…
Is Am I a Muslim,Taoist, Zen Buddhist,Farsi,Jews? Not only those, but more than that…
I am a pure soul, is nothing and because of that, I belongs and accepts everything. I am respects every faith. A label does not define me for is more than a label.
This is to be experienced, not to be analyzed.
Is that logical? No.
Then, it could be “right.”
Any belief system separates. Thought and analysis separates. Concepts and “isms,” will separate.
Is am a philosopher? Yes, but he is more than that.
Is am an artist? Yes, but he is more than that.
Is am a doctor? Yes, but he is more than that.
I am none of that “only” and because of that. I am is all of that.
Is that logical?
Then, it could be “right”…
Is am a philosopher? Yes, but he is more than that.
Is am an artist? Yes, but he is more than that.
Is am a doctor? Yes, but he is more than that.
I am none of that “only” and because of that. I am is all of that.
Is that logical?
Then, it could be “right”…
Now the exercise is to apply this “logic” to yourself and see how many labels you think that you are, and due to that belief; you negate yourself the opportunity to be part of the world and not just a group.
Note: The above is not for intellectual analysis. Feel it. See the logic beyond logical words…
Note: The above is not for intellectual analysis. Feel it. See the logic beyond logical words…
Enjoy your freedom from beliefs!
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