Saturday 14 September 2013

Anger Patiently

Anger Patiently

Green Fly Geyser (Nevada)
Anger Patiently

The sin of anger is due to self-forgetfulness. To never get angry is a tall order for almost any human being. So when we see anger as failure, and we try not to be angry and fail, it is so easy to turn the gun on ourselves when our anger comes. We blame ourselves and put ourselves down for not being able to control ourselves. Don't turn the gun in yourself. Don't give yourself a guilt trip. We spend our lives learning anger, so we are not going to unlearn all the beliefs and habits which create our irritations, frustrations and angers in a few days, or even a few weeks. (though some who really do 'get it' can change that fast). So be easy on yourself. Healing the inner scars, forgiving ourselves, transforming those habits, are all aspects of this inner work, and they take a little time. Be patient, be gentle and merciful with yourself. And if you do decide you want to forgive and heal yourself, if you do decide you don't want to be a slave to others words and actions, if you do decide you want to be free of your negative feelings, one of the secrets is not to fight or struggle with those old habits. Accept them when they come, for whatever reason, and you'll be amazed how quickly the habit of those feelings is dissolved. All healing begins with acceptance, including the healing of our feelings.

Spiritual Endeavor
There is a part of you that is perfect and pure. It is untouched by
the less-than-perfect characteristics you have acquired by living in a
less-than-perfect world. This part of you is a still and eternal pool.
Making time to reach it will bring you untold benefit.
Learning to talk properly to the self is a spiritual endeavor. When you
make a mistake, do you talk lovingly to yourself in your mind, or do
you tell yourself off? One habit recognizes your divinity, and the other
subtly shapes a nature of sorrow.


The one who sacrifices name and fame is the one who gets recognition. 

Projection: When we make a positive contribution we usually want to get recognition for it. We might not always say it in words but there is always an expectation that others should recognise our contribution. 

Solution: We need to make sure that we enjoy whatever we do. Since the task itself becomes enjoyable for us, we don't anymore expect recognition. The more we become free from expectations we get the love from others and recognition too.

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