Saturday 19 April 2014



Satish was driving his car on a rainy day. He was driving to work. On the way over a thought got into his mind: “ I am all dressed up, I am going to get wet. My umbrella will not open. How do I solve this problem?”
As he was thinking and thinking on ways to protect his clothes from the rain, Satish totally forgot about the enjoyment of driving on a rainy day. It is an unusual day. The sound of the rain could be very soothing if you listen to it. To look around in a day like this, could bring a different experience.
No. That is not how Satish’s mind works. Forget about the “stupid” rainy day… Satish is going to get wet… That is the end of life as we know it! :-)
Satish thought about different ways to protect his designer made clothes from the rain and as he was getting near the parking lot… the “stupid rain” stopped… :-)
Satish, buddy...look at all that precious time that you spent thinking about nonsense, “preparing for the future.”

“Don’t cross the river until you get to the bridge.” Many times our minds do not know the simplicity of those wise words.
Valuable time is lost in analyzing things before the fact, in anticipating the future when joy is something that could only be experienced “now.”
No one could be joyful by thinking about it. It is an experience in the “now.”
Our minds will steal that hard-earned joy that we deserve to experience.
Observe people around you. Look at their faces. Most are like thinking machines unable to drop everything at once and become empty.
Their fashion resides in thinking. That incessant thinking is blocking their hearts.
Satish could say to his wife: “ I love you, dear.” But that was etiquette. Empty words coming from empty feelings. Sometimes those words could be said with emotions but that becomes too “needy.”
Have you ever experienced talking with feelings?
Your voice will change. Others will perceive you as “original.” That is ‘out of fashion’ these days….

To be joyful is to be awaken through feelings. As feelings overtake our little thinking minds, then easiness will appear.
The pipe of joy is currently being clogged up by thinking, analysis, logic and reasoning.
Cleaning that out will truly change someone into a human BEING.
We ARE because we feel. Feeling joy then is to BE in fulfillment.

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