Saturday 19 April 2014

The bottom line

The bottom line

We can believe in whatever we want. That does not mean that it is the “truth.”
It may be “our” truth, but please realize that it could change at any time. We could be stubborn, but that is our issue. We have the right to be stubborn... and the consequences as well.
As a matter of fact, as our consciousness changes, so our understanding will change.
We are never the same. Ever. We are always changing, always evolving, always becoming....Propelled by the quality of our feelings, which in turn become our actions.

If we change our actions but we do not change our feelings, we will be acting as repressed individual.
We could look “honorable” under the eyes of others, but we will be burning inside. Ready to explode at any time.
There is no activity, which is “pure or impure” in the “movie of life.” Unless we believe otherwise.
It is just the feelings that we have about that activity which makes things ugly or beautiful.
Love between human beings is beautiful but not so much when our feelings are “ugly,” when that “love” is based on neediness, when it is just about expectations.
A greedy person cannot know what love is.
That greed is not just about money or power, but there is greed in our ideas about becoming someone “special," an angel or a saint or a deity. That is, our life will be focused on “achieving something” in the future based on an ideal, forgetting about living life in the present, where our feelings reside. The now.
Let things happen uncalled, as they have to happen without trying to control the outcome. That ego driven self who thinks that spirituality is like going to school and earning a grade when you “study more,” is a self-deception. There is no homework to achieve. It happens… all by itself, when you relax, enjoy and allow your “pure” feelings to blossom.

Empty yourself so there is no “self” to adore or to support, so you can surrender to life, be part of that totality without trying to become “someone.”
That “trying” is just the game of an egotistical mind. We will change by itself… We just need to look at our feelings so they direct the changes in us. It is cause and effect. It is not something that appears from just this life. We are eternal.
If we believe in God. That is great! We are never alone. We live in relationship. If you believe that God will help you just because you joined a religion, you are deceiving yourself. In life, you can only get what you deserve. You earn that help. How?
Through your “pure” feelings, which became actions at one point. Those activities became the “law of karma.” The origin is in your feelings.
You may misunderstand my words. Beware of that.
That is because unless you have experienced what I am trying to convey through limited words, you will not understand. That is, you will interpret these things according to what you know. According to your consciousness. That is how nothing written or spoken could contain truth. It is just a perception, adulterated by language and limited consciousness.
That is why i does not teach anything. I am only shares my experiences, realizations
You are free to read them or not. Free to interpret them as you wish.
There is no expectation in this “game.”
Hopefully you will enjoy this "game."! :-)

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